literature, Review, Uncategorized

Storyland by Bryan W Alaspa (BLOG TOUR)

As an avid reader, I'm always on the look out for new books to read and I am totally open to new authors and genres. I've found having this blog (entitled 'Stories Can Make Us Fly'- can you tell I love literature?) has opened so many doors for me into finding new authors and reading… Continue reading Storyland by Bryan W Alaspa (BLOG TOUR)

literature, Review

Helene Fermont, ‘His Guilty Secret’ (review)

I am lucky enough to be part of Hélene Fermont's Blog tour for her new book, His Guilty Secret, which will be out on the 27th November. Being sent His Guilty Secret last month was such a pleasure as I'd never before come across the author and I wouldn't say it's the kind of genre… Continue reading Helene Fermont, ‘His Guilty Secret’ (review)

literature, Review

 My top reads in summer 2017- books to read by the fireside.

As a huge literary fan, of course I've been reading to my heart's content over the summer (with my health and long hours at work limiting me a little, but even so). Initially, I was planning to share my top three from this indulge, and still, I shall mention just three, but I can't seem… Continue reading  My top reads in summer 2017- books to read by the fireside.

beauty, Christmas, Review, Seasonal

And whiskers on kittens.

Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens, Brown paper packages tied up with strings, These are a few of my favourite things. So, the second post in this series has come a lot sooner than I planned… which is funny since I posted the first back in June… Anyway! If you've read my last post, introducing… Continue reading And whiskers on kittens.

Review, theatre

Theatre Review #1- Barnum

And a rare Lauren has appeared.. Yeah, sorry about that. There's been a lot going on so I haven't been able to post in a while! But hey ho, back now and (hopefully) here to stay, so hello! Anyway, here's a casual theatre review to get back into things. On Tuesday evening, I went to… Continue reading Theatre Review #1- Barnum