creative writing, LGBT, politics, Uncategorized

Borders – Poem by Lauren Curr

An original poem by Lauren Curr. - Borders Can't define us, Don't align us- Let us be. - Who can say What's yours or not On stolen Territory? - Humans Love and humans hurt It's just life, You see. - Why not, For just one last day, You let us All be free. We're coming… Continue reading Borders – Poem by Lauren Curr

disability, feminism, politics, Uncategorized

Why I’m Upset By Mattel’s New ‘Inspiring Women’ Barbie Collection

If you've read my blog before, or even just Thursday's post for International Women's Day, you know that in my eyes, you are not a feminist if you do not support all intersections of society.That is why Barbie's new collection of feminist icon dolls has straight up angered me so very much. The Public's VerdictOnline,… Continue reading Why I’m Upset By Mattel’s New ‘Inspiring Women’ Barbie Collection

feminism, LGBT, politics, Uncategorized

Happy International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day is about celebrating ALL women. If you don’t include trans women, disabled women, BAME women, sex workers, immigrant women and any intersection of self-identifying women/non-binary or fluid folx in your celebrations, that is NOT celebrating women. Today, I want to thank ALL the women in my life. Whether they’ve given… Continue reading Happy International Women’s Day

mental health, politics, Uncategorized

The harm of ‘diagnosing’ Trump (end the stigma around personality disorders)

Mental Health. An aspect of health slowly being spoken about more and more (thank goodness). We truly are getting somewhere with the stigma around mental health, but that seems to exclude many aspects of mental health. Although there still a huge stigma around them, people are gradually understanding depression, anxiety, even suicide, but there's one… Continue reading The harm of ‘diagnosing’ Trump (end the stigma around personality disorders)


The Politics of the Royal Wedding (talking democracy, taxes and how it’s blanketed other news)

With the most recent Royal announcement of Prince Harry's engagement, there have been many political views on the subject shared; whether you're pro or anti-monarchy, i'm sure you've discussed the subject. You can't deny it, actress Meghan Markle is a perfect match for Harry. When you see the two of them together, they are super… Continue reading The Politics of the Royal Wedding (talking democracy, taxes and how it’s blanketed other news)

film, tv, and music, LGBT, literature, politics

Nas Paracha and sexuality; LGBT representation in popular television

As the last episode of Series One of Channel 4's 'Ackley Bridge' airs tonight, I feel this is a key post to be sharing. Ackley Bridge has been wonderful for representation; BAME characters, LGBT issues, different cultures, and combining all, showing cultural and religious attitudes towards different issues. Nasreen's character has been vital in portraying… Continue reading Nas Paracha and sexuality; LGBT representation in popular television

LGBT, politics

Glückwünsche Deutschland!

Liebe ist Liebe. Love is love. Yesterday, the courts of Germany made a very, very important choice: to legalise gay marriage. It's almost shocking to think it wasn't legal before- sometimes it's easy to forget that not long ago it wasn't legal in our own country. For over 3/4 of my life, LGBT marriage was… Continue reading Glückwünsche Deutschland!

disability, feminism, LGBT, lifestyle, mental health, politics

A vote for the Tories is a vote against people like me.

"A vote for the Tories is a vote against me"   My name is Lauren Bethany Curr. I am 18 years old. You probably won't know who I am (as I'm 'nobody', as such), and you probably won't care. But you will impact my life significantly. Your vote for the Tories is a vote against people… Continue reading A vote for the Tories is a vote against people like me.