body positivity, disability, education, LGBT, Uncategorized

A little life update!

Life is a fast mover, and there's always something new around the corner, whether we expect it or not. Sometimes, it's overwhelming; sometimes, it's exciting; sometimes, it's both. My life has come with a mix of all three, in recent times especially, and those are things I wanted to share with you. PersonalThe first thing… Continue reading A little life update!

disability, education, LGBT, Musical Theatre, Travel, Uncategorized

Things I’m looking forward to

I have a lot of exciting things ahead of me, and I wanted to share them in this post! I remember doing one of these years ago and it was lovely and super fun, so why not bring it back? Let's get hyped. August There's only a few days left of August, but I still… Continue reading Things I’m looking forward to

creative writing, education, mental health, personal

Everything changes- moving forward

"What I thought was so permanent fades..." Today marks the first day of the week my dear friends will have officially moved into their university towns. I'm over the moon for them, honestly, but I guess it marks the end of an era and is forcing me to accept we're all moving on. It was… Continue reading Everything changes- moving forward

education, mental health, Uncategorized

Kindness is golden

On Thursday night, it was my 'Leavers' dinner'; the occasion to say goodbye to many humans who have influenced my life, even if just in passing. Although I am not actually leaving WGGS this year due to health reasons, my illnesses do not erase the fact I have been a part of this year group… Continue reading Kindness is golden

education, Uncategorized

Studyblr and bullet journaling

A few days ago, I made the decision to create a 'studyblr'/'studygram' blog on the social media site 'Instagram'. I did this as my relationship with studying, I feel, is faltering. My education has been severely hindered this year due to ill-health, and that upset me as I am extremely passionate about my subjects. Anyway,… Continue reading Studyblr and bullet journaling

education, personal, Uncategorized

Harvest 2016

If you're not a Watford Grammar gal, the excitement around finally achieving the six year long dream of becoming your typical bunch of harvest grapes may seem an odd concept. What do you mean by 'becoming a harvest grape'? In year 7 (or in the following years for anyone who joined later), the beginning of… Continue reading Harvest 2016