body positivity, disability, education, LGBT, Uncategorized

A little life update!

Life is a fast mover, and there's always something new around the corner, whether we expect it or not. Sometimes, it's overwhelming; sometimes, it's exciting; sometimes, it's both. My life has come with a mix of all three, in recent times especially, and those are things I wanted to share with you. PersonalThe first thing… Continue reading A little life update!

body positivity, lifestyle, mental health, Uncategorized

Little Things I Love About Myself

I don't exactly have the best perception of my self image, nor do I like how I look on a daily basis, but I'm trying my damn best to overcome it. The body positivity movement has helped me a lot, and is something that - though I always follow - I dip in and out… Continue reading Little Things I Love About Myself

body positivity, lifestyle

Things I’d Like To Achieve This August

Today, I want to lay down some goals with you all for the upcoming month. I'm hoping the month goes to plan and I'm excited for what it brings, the small adventures and large, and the future feats I'll be setting myself up for. This August I'm free of the education system and have no… Continue reading Things I’d Like To Achieve This August

body positivity, disability, Uncategorized

The Medical Mandate

I want to post this not as a justification, but as a note to those in the same boat as me that you're not alone and we should be proud of all we've been done and are doing into the future. This morning, I recieved a fair few amount of messages questioning me on something… Continue reading The Medical Mandate

disability, lifestyle, mental health, Uncategorized

The Side Of Chronic Illness You Don’t See On The Internet

I vouched at the beginning of last year that i'd be transparent on mental health, disability, recovery, and even started an instagram account to log all of that. Ironically, it's chronic illness that's caused the downfall of that account due to a lack of spoons to post and update, constant brain fog and a lack… Continue reading The Side Of Chronic Illness You Don’t See On The Internet

beauty, body positivity, lifestyle, Uncategorized

Tattoo talks: it’s been a year!

Today is the first birthday of my first three children.... by which I mean tattoos. A year ago today, I got my first tattoo, and my second, and third. Yes, I got three all at once. I shared these beauties with you all this time last year, but having gained four more, I wanted to… Continue reading Tattoo talks: it’s been a year!

film, tv, and music, lifestyle, mental health, Uncategorized

My 2018 favourites I’m carrying into the New Year

Over the years I've done a few favourites posts, subject specific and mixed. They seem to have, each time, gone down a treat, so since the end of 2018 has brought me a tonne of new things, and at that, things I love, I wanted to share the things I'm happily bringing into 2019 with… Continue reading My 2018 favourites I’m carrying into the New Year

Christmas, film, tv, and music, LGBT, Musical Theatre, Uncategorized

November in Pictures.

I've been wanting and meaning to throw myself back into this blog for a while now, but life got on top of me a little, so I'm throwing myself back in with a bit of a soft post: November in Pictures. I'm going select a picture from every day in November that represents that day… Continue reading November in Pictures.

mental health, personal, Spiritual, Spoonie, Uncategorized, vegan

Blogtober First: A re-introduction to Stories Can Make Us Fly!

For 3 years straight I've done Blogmas, and I loved being able to post every day, but... if you know me, you'll know my season is autumn over winter, any day. So, this year, I'm taking Blogmas on a more suited whirl and choosing to partake in Blogtober, instead! I've also been fairly quiet so… Continue reading Blogtober First: A re-introduction to Stories Can Make Us Fly!

body positivity, LGBT, personal, Uncategorized

What PRIDE means to me

Pride is something I've been raised to have a careful balance with. Before, I never really knew why that mattered, but in more recent years, I have most certainly used it to my advantage. Pride meant little to me growing up. I knew it to bear something on confidence (in a good way) but also… Continue reading What PRIDE means to me