body positivity, lifestyle

Things I’d Like To Achieve This August

Today, I want to lay down some goals with you all for the upcoming month. I'm hoping the month goes to plan and I'm excited for what it brings, the small adventures and large, and the future feats I'll be setting myself up for. This August I'm free of the education system and have no… Continue reading Things I’d Like To Achieve This August

body positivity, disability, Uncategorized

The Medical Mandate

I want to post this not as a justification, but as a note to those in the same boat as me that you're not alone and we should be proud of all we've been done and are doing into the future. This morning, I recieved a fair few amount of messages questioning me on something… Continue reading The Medical Mandate

Christmas, film, tv, and music, LGBT, Musical Theatre, Uncategorized

November in Pictures.

I've been wanting and meaning to throw myself back into this blog for a while now, but life got on top of me a little, so I'm throwing myself back in with a bit of a soft post: November in Pictures. I'm going select a picture from every day in November that represents that day… Continue reading November in Pictures.

mental health, personal, Spiritual, Spoonie, Uncategorized, vegan

Blogtober First: A re-introduction to Stories Can Make Us Fly!

For 3 years straight I've done Blogmas, and I loved being able to post every day, but... if you know me, you'll know my season is autumn over winter, any day. So, this year, I'm taking Blogmas on a more suited whirl and choosing to partake in Blogtober, instead! I've also been fairly quiet so… Continue reading Blogtober First: A re-introduction to Stories Can Make Us Fly!

animals and nature, beauty, environmental, Uncategorized

The tide is turning: Turtle Jelly Bomb

On the first day of this week, Lush launched a new jelly bomb in all UK stores; (Baby) Turtle. The turtle jelly bomb (also going by the name baby turtle) was initially launched at the Lush Summit, alongside a bigger version- Mama Turtle- with all proceeds going to Lush's grassroots charities. Though Mama Turtle hasn't… Continue reading The tide is turning: Turtle Jelly Bomb

Foodie, Uncategorized

Vegan treats on the High Street: Pret A Manger launches new cookie

It's definitely fair to say that if there's one thing I get excited about, it's finding new vegan food. Accidental finds or large retailers purposely putting themselves onto the vegan market, I'm sure to do two things; want to try it; want to tell other people about it. I visit Pret A Manger, an ethical… Continue reading Vegan treats on the High Street: Pret A Manger launches new cookie

Foodie, Uncategorized

Vegan treats on the high street: Greggs’ Belgian Buns

It was only a matter of weeks ago that, courtesy of my close friend Claire, who blogs over at Rainbows And Thunderstorms, I discovered a glorious fact... Greggs' Belgian Buns are vegan. Being a southerner, our primary high street bakery source is Greggs', the only other real option for sweet treats being independent bakeries and if… Continue reading Vegan treats on the high street: Greggs’ Belgian Buns

beauty, lifestyle

EYEWAKE hydrating eye serum- review.

I was sent this product as a complimentary item from EYEWAKE to try and review, but everything expressed represents my own views. As mentioned above, I was lucky enough to be contacted by Eyewake to review their 'Hydrating eye serum' What you should know.Eyewake serum is 100% cruelty free, vegan and natural. Finding new ethical… Continue reading EYEWAKE hydrating eye serum- review.


Laura Zabo: Fashion, Sustainability and new innovations in the fashion industry

As Fashion Revolution week comes to a close, I ask you this once more: Who made your clothes? I can tell you who made mine; Laura Zabo. It was not long ago I found an extraordinary woman running an extraordinary business on social networking site twitter and soon we became in contact. I cannot stress… Continue reading Laura Zabo: Fashion, Sustainability and new innovations in the fashion industry

environmental, sustainable living

Happy Earth Day: Basic tips for saving the planet

Today is Earth day, and how could I not give you a post on all things environmental with some tips and tricks. One of my main focuses on this blog is the environment/sustainable living and veganism, both of which highly impact our earth. If you're trying to cut down on your plastic usage completely or… Continue reading Happy Earth Day: Basic tips for saving the planet