body positivity, lifestyle

Things I’d Like To Achieve This August

Today, I want to lay down some goals with you all for the upcoming month. I'm hoping the month goes to plan and I'm excited for what it brings, the small adventures and large, and the future feats I'll be setting myself up for. This August I'm free of the education system and have no… Continue reading Things I’d Like To Achieve This August

disability, lifestyle, mental health, Uncategorized

The Side Of Chronic Illness You Don’t See On The Internet

I vouched at the beginning of last year that i'd be transparent on mental health, disability, recovery, and even started an instagram account to log all of that. Ironically, it's chronic illness that's caused the downfall of that account due to a lack of spoons to post and update, constant brain fog and a lack… Continue reading The Side Of Chronic Illness You Don’t See On The Internet

film, tv, and music, lifestyle, Uncategorized

She Keeps Me Warm: A playlist for snow days

It's snowing down here in Hampshire today, and it's snowing pretty heavily, too. I made it into work this morning but was lucky to catch my train home (thank you Lush gods for letting me leave early as a precaution!). I also absolutely fought through a blizzard and trekked home on the white carpet left… Continue reading She Keeps Me Warm: A playlist for snow days

mental health, politics, Uncategorized

The harm of ‘diagnosing’ Trump (end the stigma around personality disorders)

Mental Health. An aspect of health slowly being spoken about more and more (thank goodness). We truly are getting somewhere with the stigma around mental health, but that seems to exclude many aspects of mental health. Although there still a huge stigma around them, people are gradually understanding depression, anxiety, even suicide, but there's one… Continue reading The harm of ‘diagnosing’ Trump (end the stigma around personality disorders)

mental health, Uncategorized

Self Affirmations for the New Year

A wonderfully huge hello to you and Happy New Year! How was your 2017? Quite frankly, mine wasn't great, but I did have some amazing opportunities (I didn't do a reflection post as I did that for my 19th birthday in just November- so not at all long ago). I want 2018 to be okay.… Continue reading Self Affirmations for the New Year

Foodie, Uncategorized

Vegan treats review.

Have your self a very treat-ful christmas... Let the Yule.... log be eaten.... apart from the fact it's probably not vegan so I'll just watch people eat the cake.. Anyway.Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of Stories Can Make Us Fly. Today is day 9 of blogmas and I'm feeling pretty good! That probably… Continue reading Vegan treats review.

Christmas, mental health

(self)care at Christmas

The Christmas period can be a pretty overwhelming time of year; whether that's due to changes in your physical and/or mental health, or your job picking up the pace a little, or just the stress of present buying, fitting seeing everyone important to you in and the general family stresses you face on the day.… Continue reading (self)care at Christmas

mental health, personal

The self care game (an ode to poor mental health)

I'm not so sure that if the fire alarm in my block of flats had gone off at 11am this morning, I'd have ever got up. Even when the alarm bells rung (it was bloody loud and annoying, and not good for a PTSD sufferer negatively influenced by loud noises on the daily), it took… Continue reading The self care game (an ode to poor mental health)