disability, education, LGBT, Musical Theatre, Travel, Uncategorized

Things I’m looking forward to

I have a lot of exciting things ahead of me, and I wanted to share them in this post! I remember doing one of these years ago and it was lovely and super fun, so why not bring it back? Let's get hyped. August There's only a few days left of August, but I still… Continue reading Things I’m looking forward to

disability, lifestyle, personal, Travel, Uncategorized

Overcome: How To Be Your Best Traveller (in the face of motion sickness)

It's no secret that I love to travel. Anytime, any place, anywhere... so long as it's accessible enough. Advanced planning (even in spontaneous situations) aids me with the travelling a lot but there's still one thing that I know will get me every time... Travel sickness. Travel sickness, in fact, has always been in my… Continue reading Overcome: How To Be Your Best Traveller (in the face of motion sickness)

lifestyle, Travel

Travelling light, travelling right.

By travelling light, I do not mean bagless. Heck, I am the worst at packing and if you saw my lugging my bags around, you'd think I was trying to move in. By 'light', I mean freely. Without condition. Spontaneously. I've always loved travel, but recently my etching for it has rocketed. I love to… Continue reading Travelling light, travelling right.

creative writing, LGBT, Travel

The Smile (a poem by Lauren Curr) 

"Is it alright if I sit here?" A voice deeper than some chirped, It must've where she's from and She smiled the night away. Her make up glowing from her cheeks, Her facial bones a silver line, But what was dazzling is eau natural, It's her radiant beaming smile. Lips made up with raspberry-red, Glitter… Continue reading The Smile (a poem by Lauren Curr) 

lifestyle, mental health, Travel

The Yarn bombing project: Mental Health Awareness day

As a Scottish girl, nothing fills me with more pride than going home. I've only been back in Renfrewshire's sweet little town of Paisley twice this year, a shocking 1/4 of the amount of times my dad has. It's pretty gutting, too, that I lost my accent a long time ago- 13 years, maybe, but… Continue reading The Yarn bombing project: Mental Health Awareness day

personal, Travel

Life as a commuter

'Commuting' is not an art i'm used to, nor have perfected. I guess living no more than 15  minutes from work walking means I never truly have commuted, unless you count my periodic trips into London for Theatre School and rehearsals a 'commute' (well, I did hit rush hour and have to get up at… Continue reading Life as a commuter