body positivity, lifestyle

Things I’d Like To Achieve This August

Today, I want to lay down some goals with you all for the upcoming month. I’m hoping the month goes to plan and I’m excited for what it brings, the small adventures and large, and the future feats I’ll be setting myself up for.

This August I’m free of the education system and have no work to do until September! Well, hopefully September, anyway. I do still, however, have a job which I’ll be working a day or a few a week on, and that will help me provide for activities I wish to do. I’ll hopefully, importantly, be able to spend time with my girlfriend – both relaxing and gloriously celebrating on date nights – before we return to a uni-term-time LDR again. I also would love to be spending extra time with my family this summer!

So, this list is a few things I’d like to do and achieve this summer. Some of them are already out of my hands so it’s about trying to relax until they fall into my hands again, but others are for me to arrange and work towards still.

    I’d like to set up the perfect anniversary date for Becca and I to go on and celebrate us. Here’s to another amazing year, hey?
    I’d love to obtain a university place.
    I’d like to be a fair way into prepping for uni, from sorting clothes, to homeware, to getting correct stationery and setting up the modules I’ll be taking.
    I’d love to become a little more active on my blog again and type up all the posts I have written or semi-produced, to share what I want with anyone who’d like to read it.
    I’d like to be more sensible when using mobility aids in an ambulatory fashion; one side of my family are quite ableist and despite being told by doctors – on multiple levels – that I need a chair/walker/cane/crutches, they frequently tell me I don’t need them which scares me into not using them / blatantly tell me not to use them. I’m standing up. I’m not letting down my body and it’s needs despite the judgement of some.
    I’d like to read more with my girlfriend.
    I’d like to stick to the aesthetic goals I’ve set for my bullet journal and share the spreads with other more.
    I’d like to learn how to love my changing body again, and share that positivity.
    I’d like to complete a few free open-uni short courses online.
    I’d like to get back into art.
    I’d like to create a reading list and stick to it.
    I’d like to get back into reading more.
    I’d like to write something every day.
    I’d like to try more vegetarian food options! Since going vegan over two years ago the vegan and vegetarian market has so widely expanded, and now I’m veggie I’d like to branch out! When you change your dietary requirements in a way that expands means you can stick to the same old foods, and aside a few things, I have; I want to try more cheesy bakes, and frittatas, and Spanish omlettes… and much, much more.
    I’d like to go to more museums and art exhibitions.

And heck, there’s a damn lot more I want to do, too.

Over all, I’d like to improve myself to benefit others, but importantly also myself. I’d like to make a million special memories, and to enjoy the now whilst also setting up for the future.

I’m excited for the summer and what it has to bring! Though, I’m not excited for more heat like this today. Or Boris Johnson. Britain, sort yourself out. Please.

So far, I’ve enjoyed my summer a lot – the smile on my face here is thanks to my beautiful girlfriend and best friends I spent Tuesday with.

I can’t wait to make a million happy memories this summer. I truly can’t wait.

What are your goals for August?

Love always,

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