bujo, lifestyle, Uncategorized

July’s bujo story.

In my recent post Things I’d Like To Achieve This August, I cited that I'd like to improve on my bujo by sticking to a set of goals which I've created for this project. These goals mostly centre around aesthetics, and though my bujo has been a work in progress over the course of a… Continue reading July’s bujo story.


A little rebrand (top tips for bloggers – on the aesthetic) // HAPPY 100TH POST!

A little while ago, you may have notice I somewhat changed the layout of my blog. I thought my blog needed a little bit of a rebrand, seeing as I'd had the exact same layout for two whole years. Two whole years. I started blogging when I was 16, so now I'm almost 19, you'd… Continue reading A little rebrand (top tips for bloggers – on the aesthetic) // HAPPY 100TH POST!